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EMBA招生网    www.embaon.com    发布时间:2016年01月15日    点击:

讲演主题:    工程与技术管理教育和研究领域的全球趋势

Theme:             Worldwide Trends in Engineering and Technology Management Education and Research

讲演者:          Professor Dundar F. Kocaoglu

Chairman of Engineering & Technology Management Department

Portland State University,USA

主持人:     陈宏民教授


讲演时间:   2005年12月8日14:00-15:30

讲演地点:   安泰楼202室





Dundar F. Kocaoglu教授是波特兰州立大学Maseeh学院工程及技术管理系系主任、波特兰工程与技术国际会议创始人及主席,曾任Pittsburgh大学工程及技术管理项目主任。Kocaoglu教授出版的专著包括Engineering Management , Technology Management: The New International Language , Management of R&D and Engineering 等。

Dundar F. Kocaoglu教授担任IEEE Transaction on Engineering Management杂志主编长达16年,曾主编“技术管理系列丛书”,并以“工程管理学科发展领袖”的名义荣获IEEE Fellow、IEEE Centennial Medal和IEEE Millennium Medal等奖励。另外,Kocaoglu教授也是美国国家科学基金会等机构的兼职委员。




Dundar Kocaoglu is Professor and Chairman of the Engineering and Technology Management Department at Portland State University, and President and CEO of PICMET . His research areas include technology management, project management, R&D management, decision theory, hierarchical decision modeling, evaluation and selection of emerging technologies, and resource optimization. He has received a total of approximately one million dollars in research grants and contracts from government agencies and industrial corporations. Dr. Kocaoglu has supervised more than 300 Masters students, and more than twenty Ph.D students. He has also served in the Ph.D. committees of more than ten other students since 1980. 

Dr. Kocaoglu received his B.S. in Civil Engineering from Robert College in 1960, M.S. in Structural Engineering from Lehigh University in 1962, M.S. in Industrial Engineering from the University of Pittsburgh in 1972, and Ph.D. in Operations Research and Systems Management, also from the University of Pittsburgh in 1976. He joined Portland State University to start the Engineering Management Program in 1987. The program has since become the Engineering and Technology Management Department. It now has about 180 students working toward the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees. Prior to 1987, Dr. Kocaoglu was the director of a similar program for 11 years at the University of Pittsburgh.

Dr. Kocaoglu has worked in industry as an engineer and project manager from 1962 to 1971. He has been a consultant on engineering and technology management since 1973. His clients include Westinghouse, Brown Boveri, IBM, Intel Corporation, Tektronix, II-Morrow, Cascade Microtech, several other small-to-medium sized technology-based companies, more than 10 universities, R&D Centers and the United Nations. He has served in National Research Council committees for the evaluation of the NIST manufacturing centers, and for the improvement of U.S. Department of Energy decision making processes for nuclear waste disposal and decommissioning. He has also been an NSF reviewer for  research proposals, and served on NSF panels for the evaluation of research centers.

Dr. Kocaoglu has published over forty articles, delivered more than twenty keynote speeches and presented more than 100 papers on engineering and technology management in international conferences. He is the author, editor or co-editor of seven books titled, Engineering Management , Technology Management: The New International Language , Management of R&D and Engineering , Innovation in Technology Management , Technology and Innovation Management , Technology Management in the Knwoledge Era , Technology Management for Reshaping the World , and "Technology Management: A Unifying Discipline for Melting the Boundaries" . He served as the Editor-in-chief of IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management from 1986 through 2002, and the Series Editor of John Wiley Book Series in Engineering & Technology Management from 1985 through 1998. Dr. Kocaoglu is the recipient of the Distinguished Research Mentor Award of the National Scioence Council of Taiwan, the IEEE Fellow Award, IEEE Centennial Medal, and IEEE Millenium Medal, all of which were awarded for "leadership in the development of the Engineering Management discipline". He is listed in Who Is Who In The World , Who Is Who In America, Who Is Who In Education, Who Is Who in Engineering, American Men and Women in Science and more than a dozen other reference publications.

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